Where Does NATO’s Enlargement Lead To? https://doi.org/10.58867/IBIS9578/ECLI2582
The Ukraine Crisis Continues / 乌克兰危机仍在继续 The_Ukraine_Crisis_Continues

Poland’s Foreign Policy Under the Rule of the Law and Justice Party https://iupress.istanbul.edu.tr/en/journal/jps/article/polands-foreign-policy-under-the-rule-of-the-law-and-justice-party
France-Poland Security Relations https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41253-021-00161-x
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Teoria bezpieczeństwa państwa w ujęciu neorealistycznym / The Theory of State Security in the Neorealistic Approach Teoria_bezpieczenstwa_panstwa_w_ujeciuneorealistycznym
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The European Union as a Security Actor on the International Stage: Toward a European Army The_European_Union_as_a_Security_Actor
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O tożsamości nauk o bezpieczeństwie / On Identity of Security O_tozsamosci_nauk_o_bezpieczenstwie_On_I
International roles of the European Union International_roles_of_the_European_Unio-1
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Visegrad Group towards Common European Security and Defence Policy Visegrad_Group_towards_ESDP
The ‘Strategic Partnership’ between Poland and Ukraine The_Strategic_Partnership_between_Poland_and_Ukraine
European Security and Defence Identity. The Polish Viewpoint European_Security_and_Defence_Identity